PHOTOWEB Anti-fraud protection

of orders with cookie stuffing
of orders with a suspicion of toolbar
of Affiliate budget saved


Photo printing




€31 million


At the beginning of its collaboration with TrackAd, Photoweb has set two main objectives:

  • Identify any kind of fraud within its affiliate program
  • Highlight the performance of different publishers of its program
Marie Soffray
Media Traffic Manager
“The first month of testing TrackAd allowed us to see the effectiveness of the tool. The results of the anti-fraud audit were surprising in terms of volume. Since then, we have significantly optimized our Affiliate budget without impacting our overall order volume. I am very satisfied with our collaboration.”

The solutions

  • Support marketing teams in structuring the tracking of their affiliate program
  • Calculate the conversion paths of all orders
  • Apply the deduplication and cookie duration defined by Photoweb
  • Propose dynamic tables with performance by publisher
  • Provide a monthly report with the reasons of cancellation of fraudulent orders in order to facilitate exchanges with the affiliate network

The results

55% of the commissions claimed by publishers were saved:

  • 17% of orders reported cookie stuffing behaviour
  • 13% of orders had deduplication problems
  • 16% of orders had a suspicion of toolbar
  • 9% of orders had already been commissioned or did not exist

Let’s get in touch!

Let’s have a first discussion to understand your current online acquisition challenges.